Monday, June 13, 2011

More Canez

Earlier in the week, we made up bags of clothing and toiletries, along with some toys for the kids to give out in Canez.

We wanted to give a bag to each family we met in Canez. The families also received a 100 pound bag of rice, which should last most about a month. More on that later.

We seperated into groups to go to the huts and talk to the families. Each group had a translator and a man from the village that went with them.

The first man we came to was overwhelmed and cried tears of joy.

As we were walking to the next hut, I ran into this man. He is 63 and suffered a stroke.

When I asked him where he lived, he pointed to this:

He asked me if anyone knew they were there and if anyone cared about them. Then he told me about how he is alive because of Jesus. He said he begged Jesus to let him live when he was suffering from a stroke and He did.

Each family we met we asked if we could pray for them and if there was anything specific they would like us to pray for. Not one person asked for "more food" or "more clothes" or anything of the sort. They all asked for protection over their families and homes. Or they asked for Jesus to watch over them and their health. It puts things in perspective when we are busy begging for better jobs, more money, nicer cars, bigger homes, etc.

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