Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday in Haiti

This morning we were woken up at 2am, but this time it wasn't the rooster. The leader of our group was in severe pain, and they came to get a nurse, who happened to be one of our roommates. They ended up taking her to the hospital. Apparently they had to go to several hospitals... One of them had no doctor there (really?!)After hearing her agonizing screams of pain, there was no way I could go back to sleep. Good thing I was awake, because that dang rooster was making sure none of us slept!

This morning for breakfast we had oatmeal, watermelon, French toast, bread & peanut butter.

Today I was on the team that worked at the creche. That means I got to play with kids and hold babies all day :) Easy enough for me!

In the morning, the older kids had school. They looked so cute in their uniforms!

While the kids were in class, we went upstairs and played with the younger ones. I helped feed them breakfast, which was noodles with some saucy stuff.

While I was there, I may have just happened to have glanced at the list of girls in the creche. They have a list of names posted on the door with all the kids, their adoptive parents names, and their birthdays. All but 3 girls had adopted parents by their names. Two of them are older girls. There is one younger girl named Jovanika. I asked some of the older kids to show me who she is. Turns out she was the cutie I have been rocking to sleep every afternoon. Today I had played with her all afternoon. I went to their little Bible class with them, where they sang songs and the kids took turns saying prayers. She didn't like it when I had to leave to go get ready for dinner :( I did get lots of cute pics of her this afternoon:

Tonight for dinner we had meatballs, rice, cucumbers, and scalloped potatoes. Unfortunately, there were some people who piled up their plate as if this was their last meal, so we ran out of food before we had a chance to get through the line. So I had some bread, potatoes and a Pop Tart..... Carb Fest! Oh, and a huge coke! Dinner of champions right there, people!

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